
These Hydrogel Based Robots Can Catch Live Fish; How It Works?


Artificial Intelligence is making its way to the commercial market, so do the robots. Some human-friendly robots had already made their way.

The species of robots are expanding, engineers from New York has created a gel-based robot that can catch live fish, these robots performs well by grabbing and releasing a live fish as and when the water is pumped in and out of them.


The robots are made of hydrogel, which is a tough, rubbery and nearly transparent material composed of water. As the robots are made mostly of water, it possesses similar properties. The robot is mainly designed for underwater applications.

Xuanhe Zhao, Associate Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology said:

Hydrogels are soft, wet, biocompatible and can form more friendly interfaces with human organs. We are actively collaborating with medical groups to translate this system into soft manipulators such as hydrogel ‘hands,’ which could potentially apply more gentle manipulations to tissues and organs in surgical operations.

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How Does Hydrogel Based Robot Works?

Each robot is a hydrogel structure, connected it rubbery tubes. So, when the water is pumped into the hydrogel robots, the structures quickly inflate in an orientation that enables the robots to curl up or stretch out and grab the live fishes.

