
YouTube Community To Introduce Instagram Stories Like Feature

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After a year of testing with few creators with polls, pictures, text, GIFs and more, YouTube has finally announced the expansion of its YouTube Community. Well, it has expanded the Community to creators with over 10,000 subscribers.

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Introduction To Stories In YouTube Community

So with the new community expansion, creators can involve with their fans with various polls, tease upcoming videos in GIFs and so on. Creators can also promote others channel, which will drive direct traffic to the referring channel.

YouTube Community

In addition to that, YouTube is adding Instagram Stories like feature for the creators called Reels. This very new feature will let Creators create multiple stories and have them not expire. Other features like Focused Focused features like linking YouTube videos and YouTube-y stickers will hit soon.

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These features will help you connect with your audience all the time. Well, all the above-mentioned feature will go on a beta phase before expanding to more creators. For more, read the YouTube Creators Blog.


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